724-991-5317 Darrren8@gmail.com

My Day at the Office

I am at my office today finishing up a project for my graphic design class. We are to pick a topic and draw pictograms or pictographs of that topic. I choose college courses. This degree will be a valueable tool I can use in my career as a website development...

I can Create Beautiful Digital Signage!

  I can do it! It will look awesome and function the way you want it to.Plus with my SEO knowledge I can get you on the second if not the first page in searches. I presently work very well with Joomla! if you need a website with a database. I also have personal...

See my talent

Registered to take Graphic Design at the Cranberry location of Butler County Comm. College location, starting August 24th, 2020. Looks like I’m getting a head start huh? Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInMorePrintRedditTumblrWhatsAppSkypeLike this:Like...

New Direction

I have decided to go an easier path with Divi templates. This is not to undervalue my past work, I will use those tools of course to fix websites I get from clients that want their site amended. You can see below pictures of websites that I have made and other...